Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is lovely to be able to invite and welcome you to the inaugural Middle East Rheumatology Conference The past few years have proved very challenging for all of us but now is a great opportunity to start reconnecting with colleagues and friends and build new networks.

It is an honour to be invited to chair the scientific committee for the GCC Association of Immunology and Rheumatology. We have endeavored to develop a comprehensive programme for the upcoming conference with sessions covering basic science and clinical rheumatology delivered by well-renowned and engaging regional and international speakers. We hope that our speakers will deliver talks in a way that encourages interaction with the audience and generates discussion.

The goal of this event is to provide an opportunity for us to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in immunology and rheumatology and to allow networking with colleagues from around the region. Ultimately, we hope that this will improve outcomes for our patients living with autoimmune and rheumatic diseases..

We look forward to welcoming you,



Professor Martin Lee
Consultant Rheumatology
Program Chair, Middle East Rheumatology Conference
Dubai, United Arab Emirates